Dr. Royce Yuen, described as “A guru in brand-building and marketing who is consistently revamping himself with the changing environment…”, shared his insights in his career path.
Dr. Royce Yuen, described as “A guru in brand-building and marketing who is consistently revamping himself with the changing environment…”, shared his insights in his career path.
生命同行館 · 23 June at 17:00 · 30個感動生命故事計劃- 莫關雁卿博士 【一個Like👍,一份愛❤️,每一個Like阿斯利康都會捐出$HK10給香港病人組織聯盟❤️】 故事專訪:莫關雁卿博士 拿起手中的著作,莫關雁卿博士(Edith)笑言書名《疾風中的神奇女俠》 其實應讀作「中風疾的神奇女俠」;而神奇女俠,原來又是「神神地」的意思。 能夠把影響半生的疾病幽默一番,足見Edith的樂觀與豁達。 事實上,中風令Edith展開了一個不一樣的人生下半場。如一般人無異, 中風令Edith失去了健康及活動自如的能力,但她卻把工作及學習當作復康治療, 憑着毅力先後完成工商管理博士及社會科學(行為健康)碩士學位。 中風亦成為了Edith 加入社褔界的契機,她從「受助者」變成「服務者」, 綜合自己多方面的知識及管理的經驗,為病人事務出謀獻策,貢獻社會。 #生命同行館 #香港病人組織聯盟 #英國阿斯利康 #HKAPO #AZHK https://www.facebook.com/lifepavilion30/videos/224899092811541/
Dr. Miranda Lou shared her accounts of challenges and triumphs in her career path. “It’s not about luck, it’s her attitude and personality for her to advance her career………..”
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