立法會已三讀通過三個月的暫緩令,禁止業主向商業租戶追討拖欠的租金。香港理大學工商管理博士舊生會(DBAAA)希望了解公眾的反應,以及這項新冠疫情舒困措施將如何影響他們對本地營商環境的看法。DBAAA 展開問卷調查,將分析收集到的回复,並嘗試向政府提出建議。
The Legco passed the bill which introduces a 3-month moratorium barring landlords to recover outstanding rents from commercial tenants. The HK PolyU DBA Alumni Association (DBAAA) would wish to understand the response of the general public and how this COVID-19 relief measure would impact their view on the local business environment. DBAAA did an online survey to analyse the responses so gathered and attempt to make recommendations to the Government.