DBAAA designed two greeting templates for Christmas and the New Year for members to download and share with family, relatives and friends. If you would like to make your greeting more personalized, add your name or own message in the template.
The FinTech Digital Assets Industry Forum will be held at 1330 to 1700 on 12th December, 2022 at M1603 (Senate Room), 16th Floor, Li Ka Shing Tower, PolyU. Pls register https://www.polyu.edu.hk/fb/news-events/event/2022/12/fintech-digital-assets-industry-forum/?sc_lang=en
DBAAA is one of the co-organizers of the “FinTech in School” program.
As a PolyU DBA study sharing, Dr. Bernie Wong & Dr. Flora Gu presented ” A New Way of Winning Customers on Social Media: An Examination of Storytelling Factors of Brands’ Instagram and Tiktok Short Videos” at the ANZMAC Conference in Perth – 2022 Dec 5